
2016-04-28 11:10:52


正在中国参加“中英版权周”活动的英国知识产权局版权与执法司司长罗斯•林奇博士(Ros Lynch)出席了此次签约仪式。该合作标志着中国知识产权执法正朝着积极的方向发展,数码产业正为减少网络侵权提供支持。


China’s biggest internet search engine Baidu has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Copyright Protection Collaboration with the International Publishers Copyright Coalition (IPCC).

The creative industries are vitally important for both the UK and China. Creative industries – including publishing, music, film, TV and gaming software – together account for over 5% of GDP in both the UK and China, respectively.

Over a third of British publishing industry total revenues (£4.3 billion in 2014) come from digital sales and around 40% from exports. This MOU sets out a programme of collaboration to tackle the shared issue of online IP infringement. Industry initiatives such as this are vital to support the international IP framework.

The signing was witnessed by Dr Ros Lynch, Director of Copyright and Enforcement at the UK Intellectual Property Office, who is visiting for UK-China Copyright week. The co-operation indicates a positive direction for IP enforcement in China, with digital industry getting behind efforts to reduce online infringements.

Dr Lynch is visiting China for a week of cooperation activities on copyright protection and IP enforcement. She will meet Chinese government and law enforcement counterparts, and is accompanied by Detective Chief Inspector Peter Ratcliffe of the City of London Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU).

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